Arandora Star Memorial On BBC And ITV Wales News

Arandora Star Memorial On BBC And ITV Wales News

To mark the 70th anniversary of the Arandora Star disaster and the unveiling of the Arandora Star Memorial in Wales at Cardiff’s Metropolitan Cathedral, BBC and ITV Wales News correspondents Nick Servini and Marie Claire Ceri Jones made personal reports on the tragedy...
Arandora Star Memorial Unveiling Ceremony

Arandora Star Memorial Unveiling Ceremony

The first Welsh national memorial to the Arandora Star tragedy will be unveiled in a ceremony in Cardiff’s Metropolitan Cathedral of St David, Charles Street, Cardiff on 2nd July, 2010. The memorial is being created by the Welsh-Italian artist, Susanna Ciccotti, from...

Arandora Star Memorial – South Wales

Arandora Star Memorabilia gallery pictures prodived by collector John Sidoli. A South Wales commitee has been formed to come up with an action plan soon to be published, to put a significant memorial to The Arandora Star disaster here in South Wales. —– On 10th May,...

Luisa’s Toast to Cafe Customers

Article originally by Dave Edwards ( Dispite being 91 years old, Italian-born Luisa Carpanini loves nothing more than sitting in her cafe chatting to customers. Luisa, who was born in Bardi, opened the Cardiff Arms Cafe, Bute Street, with her husband...

68th Anniversary Memorial for the SS Arandora Star

By Mario Basini Location: Liverpool, England Along with thousands of others in Italian families throughout Britain, part of my mother died beneath the cold waters of the Atlantic one grey morning in July 1940. She had arrived in Wales 16 years before, a wild-eyed...

Nelle vallate dove il Galles parla bardigiano

Feature in Gazzetta di Parma EREDITA’ PRESENZA CHE DURA DA PIU’ DI UN SECOLO Fu qui che i valcenesi aprirono i «cafes» per ristorare i lavoratori delle miniere Luca Dombrè II «Grazie a Dio per gli italiani! Il Galles non sarebbe lo stesso senza di loro». Così parlò...