by Delucia | May 18, 2008 | Past events
Cwmbach Male Choir will be singing at St Fagans in the workmens institute hall. Afterwards a presentation will be made to the choir. A photo shoot is being arranged with The Cafe Bardi at the museum to promote the forth coming visit to Bardi.
by Delucia | May 1, 2008 | Past events
Cwmbach male choir will be in Bardi for a concert on May 31st 2008 including a sung Mass at 11am. The Amici Val Ceno Galles is dedicating this to the deceased members of the Society. There are some places available for any of our members to join the tour view the...
by Delucia | Apr 13, 2008 | News
PSC Crewe – Hunters Lodge, Sydney Road – pic of Peter Marenghi who has MS and is running the London Marathon for the Multiple Sclerosis Resourse Centre. Peter Marenghi is today running the London Marathon and hoping to raise £10,000 for The Multiple...
by Delucia | Apr 6, 2008 | Past events
One A.V.C.’s much loved pasta evenings at the Maes Manor Hotel, Blackwood, Wales. This years A.V.C. pasta and disco night was a huge success. We were pleased to see lots of new (young) faces amongst the guests. We hope everyone who came had as lovely an evening...
by Delucia | Mar 21, 2008 | History, News
Feature in Gazzetta di Parma EREDITA’ PRESENZA CHE DURA DA PIU’ DI UN SECOLO Fu qui che i valcenesi aprirono i «cafes» per ristorare i lavoratori delle miniere Luca Dombrè II «Grazie a Dio per gli italiani! Il Galles non sarebbe lo stesso senza di loro». Così parlò...