by Delucia | Jul 22, 2007 | Past events
A canal boat cruise with buffet aboard the Dragonfly Canal Boat. 2 1/2 hours spent cruising some of the most beautiful scenery lying within the Brecon Beacons National Park in Wales. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL...
by Delucia | Apr 24, 2007 | Information
Rispondo scusandomi per il ritardo, in merito alla Sua richiesta di delucidazioni sui SIC (siti d’interesse comunitario; comunitario sta per UE). Cerco di essere il più sintetico possibile anche se lo scritto risulterà lungo. I SIC sono frutto di alcune...
by Delucia | Feb 1, 2007 | Get involved
The AVC are currently compiling a DVD documenting the history of the Italian Café in South Wales. Any one wishing to help make this DVD a reality by contributing information & photographs please contact: Aldo Bacchetta, Romeo Basini, Paul Pelopida of email us...
by Delucia | Nov 19, 2006 | Past events
The aim of “Emigranti from Valceno – England & Wales” The aim of “Emigranti from Valceno – England & Wales” was to narrate the history and lives of a community of people who were emigrating in search of work as early on as...
by Delucia | Nov 1, 2005 | News
Print out the Anthems and Join in when our countries take on the world! ItalianFratelli d’ItaliaL’Italia s’è destaDell’elmo di ScipioS’è cinta la testaDov’è la vittoriaLe porga la chiomaChe schiava di RomaIddio la creò Stringiamoci a coorteSiam pronti alla morte...