by Delucia | Dec 15, 2007 | Past events
Coliseum, Aberdare Ahead of their 2008 performace in Bard the brilliant Cwmbach Male Choir are in concert in Aberdare.Tickets are available from just £7!Visit their website for more information
by Delucia | Nov 30, 2007 | News, Past events
Feature in Gazzetta di Parma Testimonianza: Bruna Chezzi vive a Cardiff da sei anni Nell’albergo di Blackwood gli emigranti si sono trovati per gli auguri natali Anovembre, le luci di Natale illuminano già le strade di Cardiff e addobbano le case dei gallesi. I...
by Delucia | Nov 25, 2007 | Past events
This years annual Maes Manor dinner and dance was a great success. This might have had something to do with the fact that the fantastic Jam with RoBina were performing! Jam with RoBina a.k.a. Mark Tambini and Romano Marenghi performed live on the night and copies of...
by Delucia | Nov 23, 2007 | Past events
The annual fancy dress party was another great success! This years theme: 80’s ROCK AND POP LEGENDS was adopted by all. Live Music was provided by Jam With RoBina and The Rock Pirates. Dressing up was compulsory. Tickets were available from Louise Tambini,...
by Delucia | Oct 14, 2007 | Obituaries
Carmine Severino Vallario m. 14th October 2007, aged 94Dearly beloved husband of the late Lina, devoted father or Ugo, Anna Maria and Anthony, dear father-in-law of Julie, loving grampa of Simon and his partner Rachel, Jamie, Danielle and her husband Lee, Philip and...