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Alessandro Strinati, grandson of Amici Val Ceno founding member, Pio Strinati, took time out of...
I’ve been playing touch rugby for many years now, since finishing playing rugby union. It has been...
Gerard Opel travelled to Rome earlier this month for the final Welsh and Italian match of the Six...
Welsh-Italian Michela Chiappa presents a two part documentary for BBC Wales. Follow Michela as she...
The AVC do not just organise events for the Welsh Italian community, we also strive to help worthy...
This is your chance to buy a beautiful canvas print of Bardi castle set in a handmade solid...
The Amici Val Ceno have in the past donated to an African School Project. This week we received an...
aria Cristina And Elisa Del Sere have published a new cook book on Traditional Parmesan Cooking....
Con piacere desidero trasmetterLe l’allegata lettera che il Presidente Prof. Giovanni Trio presso...
An article by Bruna Chezzi published on View the article here. Sento...