by Delucia | Sep 8, 2012 | Obituaries
We are sad to announce the passing of Lucia Basini-Gazzi. Lucia leaves behind her husband Paolo and two daughters. We at A.V.C. knew Lucia all her life and will keep her (and her smile!), and her family in our thoughts. As a tribute to Lucia and to support Velindre...
by Delucia | Oct 12, 2011 | Obituaries
Giuseppe Chiappa Born on 18th October 1924,Giuseppe passed away on 28th July 2010.Rest in Peace.
by Delucia | Nov 12, 2010 | Obituaries
We are sad to announce the passing of committee member Frank Viazzani. For those who wish to pay their respects and attend his funeral, arrangements are as follows…Reception into the catholic church, Merthyr Tydfil: Monday 15th November, 6:00pm.Funeral mass followed...
by Delucia | Aug 30, 2010 | Obituaries
Pio Strinati Born in 1929,Pio passed away this year.Rest in Peace.
by Delucia | Aug 30, 2010 | Obituaries
Aldo Marenghi Born on 18th March,Aldo passed away on 30th August 2010.Rest in Peace.
by Delucia | May 27, 2010 | Obituaries
Giovanni Negrotti Born in Bardi on 14th August 1938Giovanni passed awayin Aberdare on 27th May 2010.