
About the event
Carnevale is a celebration occurs in the weeks leading up to Lent. The word Carnevale itself is derived from the Italian words “carne” (meat) and “vale” (farewell), signifying a farewell to meat consumption before the Lenten fasting period begins.
Carnevale is an enchanting spectacle that promises fun for the whole family! Go as big as you want to with your costumes and immerse yourself in a world of creativity at this family-friendly event.
The afternoon sees guests enojy a sumptuous buffet, classic children’s games, and a lively costume parade with exciting prizes for the best costumes.
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Our past Carnevale
Revisit our past Carnevale and relive memories of times gone by.
Sunday 18th February 2024.
£10 adults, £5 under 12.
Whitchurch Rugby Sports and Social Club, Cardiff.
Prebooking required.