by Delucia | Apr 10, 2011 | News
aria Cristina And Elisa Del Sere have published a new cook book on Traditional Parmesan Cooking. BUON APPETITO! A taste of Traditional Parmesan Cooking (available from Amazon) Quantities are given in Italian (grams), Imperial British (lbs/ozs) and American...
by Delucia | Feb 11, 2011 | News
Con piacere desidero trasmetterLe l’allegata lettera che il Presidente Prof. Giovanni Trio presso la Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri ha inviato a SE l’Ambasciatore d’Italia Alain Giorgio Maria Economides. Le saro’ grato se vorra’ darne la massima diffusione...
by Delucia | Feb 8, 2011 | Gara di Briscola, Past events
You asked for a half term date so that younger players can play, so here it is!!! Refreshments and light snacks available. ALL WELCOME! Especially younger players. Please bring your own cards and please be on time! We would be greatful if the ladies could repeat their...
by Delucia | Feb 8, 2011 | Past events
During the past year a good number of us have had to use the services of the Bardi ambulance. They have now bought a new ambulance at considerable cost and need funding to help with operating the service. We are therefore presenting a SPAGHETATA at the Maes Manor...
by Delucia | Feb 8, 2011 | Past events
Date: 10th April 2011.Time: 12:30pm.Location: Maes Manor Hotel, Blackwood.Facebook: Attend event.Tickets available from: Paul Pelopeda (01443 862634), or any committee member.