On the 15th August 2013 at the Ricardo Palletti Cirvuit in Verano Melegari the motoring event of the year was held… The Amici Val Ceno Galles Grand Prix!
Everyone involved had a great time, especially the drivers and, the competition was intense to say the least!
After some practice laps it was decided that for the main race there would be two drivers allocated to each go kart. The first drivers would race for approx 15 minutes, then they would come into the pit lane to change over for the second driver.
You could feel the excitement and almost taste the adrenalin!
The spectators became involved, shouting and cheering their favoured racers.
The winners of the GP were:
1st: Paolo Carpanini and Samuele Bracchi
2nd: Mireno Rossi and Alex Higham
3rd: Gino Berni and Stefano Gandolfi
It was great to see some local boys from Bardi taking part in the competition – it added to the occasion and we hope to see them and their friends when we organise the race next year.
The AVC would like to than Mireno Rossi and Gino Berni for their help in organising this wonderful even and also Remo Moruzzi for his kind donation of the trophy.