Keep Wales Tidy is fantastic charity that supports thousands of volunteers across Wales to improve the local environment for all of us to enjoy. KWT Projects Director Louise Tambini, would like to make a plea to all Italian cafe and fish shop owners, to try and encourage them to donate the proceeds of the single use carrier bag charge to Keep Wales Tidy so they can continue to give out grants to groups across Wales. KWT have big budget cuts next year and this charge is a great way for them to raise additional funds.
KWT will provide:
– posters for shop owners (click here to see example) to show their customers who they are supporting
– collection boxes if needed
– certificates to show how much has been raised (click here to see example)
Cavalli’s in Bridgend has already agreed to donate to KWT, and in the first 3 months has raised a whopping £163.42!!! This is fantastic and it would be great if other Italians follow their example.
If anyone is interested, just email Louise at and she will arrange everything!